okvis | Okvis Main namespace of this package |
  cameras | Cameras Namespace for camera-related functionality |
   CameraBase | Base class for all camera models |
   DistortionBase | Base class for all distortion models |
   EquidistantDistortion | Implements equidistant distortion |
   NCameraSystem | A class that assembles multiple cameras into a system of (potentially different) cameras |
   NoDistortion | This trivially doesn't do anything in terms of distortion. This is useful for testing, or working with pre-undistorted images |
   PinholeCamera | |
   RadialTangentialDistortion | |
   RadialTangentialDistortion8 | |
  ceres | Ceres Namespace for ceres-related functionality implemented in okvis |
   ode | Ode Namespace for functionality related to ODE integration implemented in okvis |
   CeresIterationCallback | Tries to enforce a time limit on the optimization. It does not guarantee to stay within the time budget as it assumes the next iteration takes as long as the previous iteration |
   ErrorInterface | Simple interface class the errors implemented here should inherit from |
   HomogeneousPointError | Absolute error of a homogeneous point (landmark) |
   HomogeneousPointLocalParameterization | Local parameterisation of a homogeneous point [x,y,z,w]^T. We use a Euclidean-type perturbation, i.e. only affect the x-y-z-part |
   HomogeneousPointParameterBlock | Wraps the parameter block for a speed / IMU biases estimate |
   ImuError | Implements a nonlinear IMU factor |
   LocalParamizationAdditionalInterfaces | Provides some additional interfaces to ceres' LocalParamization than are needed in the generic marginalisation okvis::ceres::MarginalizationError |
   Map | The Map class. This keeps track of how parameter blocks are connected to residual blocks. In essence, it encapsulates the ceres::Problem. This way, we can easily manipulate the optimisation problem. You could argue why not use cere's internal mechanisms to do that. We found that our implementation was faster.. |
    ResidualBlockSpec | Struct to store some infos about a residual |
   MarginalizationError | |
    ParameterBlockInfo | Book-keeping of the ordering |
   ParameterBlock | Base class providing the interface for parameter blocks |
   ParameterBlockSized | Base class providing the interface for parameter blocks |
   PoseError | Absolute error of a pose |
   PoseLocalParameterization | Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar |
   PoseLocalParameterization3d | Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. Here, we only perturb the translation though |
   PoseLocalParameterization4d | Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. Here, we only perturb the translation and yaw though |
   PoseLocalParameterization2d | Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. Here, we only perturb roll and pitch, i.e. dalpha = [dalpha1, dalpha2, 0]^T |
   PoseParameterBlock | Wraps the parameter block for a pose estimate |
   RelativePoseError | Relative error between two poses |
   ReprojectionError | The 2D keypoint reprojection error |
   ReprojectionErrorBase | Reprojection error base class |
   ReprojectionError2dBase | 2D keypoint reprojection error base class |
   SpeedAndBiasError | |
   SpeedAndBiasParameterBlock | Wraps the parameter block for a speed / IMU biases estimate |
  detail | |
  IdProvider | Provides IDs |
   instance | |
  kinematics | Kinematics Namespace for kinematics functionality, i.e. transformations and stuff |
   Transformation | A class that does homogeneous transformations. This relates a frame A and B: T_AB; it consists of translation r_AB (represented in frame A) and Quaternion q_AB (as an Eigen Quaternion). see also the RSS'13 / IJRR'14 paper or the Thesis. Follows some of the functionality of the SchweizerMesser library by Paul Furgale, but uses Eigen quaternions underneath |
  threadsafe | Namespace for helper classes for threadsafe operation |
   ThreadSafeQueueBase | |
   ThreadSafeQueue | Class that implements a threadsafe FIFO queue |
  timing | |
   TimerMapValue | |
   DummyTimer | |
   Timer | |
   Timing | |
  triangulation | Triangulation A namespace for operations related to triangulation |
   ProbabilisticStereoTriangulator | The ProbabilisticStereoTriangulator class |
  Estimator | The estimator class |
   StateInfo | StateInfo This configures the state vector ordering |
   States | States This summarizes all the possible states – i.e. their ids: |
  KeypointIdentifier | Unique identifier for a keypoint |
  Match | Type to store the result of matching |
  MapPoint | A type to store information about a point in the world map |
  Observation | For convenience to pass associations - also contains the 3d points |
  Measurement | Generic measurements |
  ImuSensorReadings | IMU measurements. For now assume they are synchronized: |
  DepthCameraData | Depth camera measurements. For now assume they are synchronized: |
  PositionReading | Position measurement |
  GpsPositionReading | GPS position measurement |
  MagnetometerReading | Magnetometer measurement |
  BarometerReading | Barometer measurement |
  DifferentialPressureReading | Differential pressure sensor measurement |
  CameraData | Camera measurement |
  KeypointData | Keypoint measurement |
  FrameData | Frame measurement |
  ExtrinsicsEstimationParameters | Struct to define the behavior of the camera extrinsics |
  ImuParameters | IMU parameters |
  MagnetometerParameters | Magnetometer parameters |
  GpsParameters | GPS parameters |
  PositionSensorParameters | Position sensor parameters |
  MagneticEnuZParameters | Magnetic ENU z bias |
  BarometerParameters | Barometer parameters |
  QffParameters | QFF parameters |
  DifferentialPressureSensorParameters | Differential pressure sensor parameters |
  WindParameters | Wind parameters |
  Optimization | Parameters for optimization and related things (detection) |
  SensorsInformation | Information on camera and IMU setup |
  Visualization | Some visualization settings |
  PublishingParameters | Some publishing parameters |
  VioParameters | Struct to combine all parameters and settings |
  VioBackendInterface | An abstract interface for backends |
  VioFrontendInterface | Interface for frontends |
  VioInterface | An abstract base class for interfaces between Front- and Backend |
  VioParametersReader | This class reads and parses config file |
   CameraCalibration | Struct that contains all the camera calibration information |
  Frame | A single camera frame equipped with keypoint detector / extractor |
  MultiFrame | A multi camera frame that uses okvis::Frame underneath |
  Frontend | A frontend using BRISK features |
  VioKeyframeWindowMatchingAlgorithm | A MatchingAlgorithm implementation |
  DenseMatcher | This class matches keypoints from two frames in parallel |
   MatchJob | A data struct for the worker thread |
   Pairing | A struct to save an index and distance pair |
  MatchingAlgorithm | Interface for 1-1 matching between lists of things |
  ThreadPool | This class manages multiple threads and fills them with work |
  FrameSynchronizer | This class combines multiple frames with the same or similar timestamp into one multiframe |
  ImuFrameSynchronizer | This class is to safely notify different threads whether IMU measurements up to a timestamp (e.g. the one of a camera frame) have already been registered |
  ThreadedKFVio | This class manages the complete data flow in and out of the algorithm, as well as between the processing threads |
   OptimizationResults | This struct contains the results of the optimization for ease of publication. It is also used for publishing poses that have been propagated with the IMU measurements |
  VioVisualizer | This class is responsible to visualize the matching results |
   VisualizationData | This struct contains the relevant data for visualizing |
  MockVioBackendInterface | |
  MockVioFrontendInterface | |
  TestDataGenerator | |
  DurationBase | Base class for Duration implementations. Provides storage, common functions and operator overloads. This should not need to be used directly |
  Duration | Duration representation for use with the Time class |
  WallDuration | Duration representation for use with the WallTime class |
  NoHighPerformanceTimersException | Thrown if windoze high perf. timestamping is unavailable |
  TimeBase | Base class for Time implementations. Provides storage, common functions and operator overloads. This should not need to be used directly |
  Time | Time representation. May either represent wall clock time or ROS clock time |
  WallTime | Time representation. Always wall-clock time |
  source_file_pos | |
 opengv | Namespace for classes extending the OpenGV library |
  absolute_pose | The namespace for the absolute pose methods |
   FrameNoncentralAbsoluteAdapter | Adapter for absolute pose RANSAC (3D2D) with non-central cameras, i.e. could be a multi-camera-setup |
  relative_pose | The namespace for the relative pose methods |
   FrameRelativeAdapter | Adapter for relative pose RANSAC (2D2D) |
  sac_problems | The namespace for the sample consensus problems |
   absolute_pose | The namespace for the absolute pose methods |
    FrameAbsolutePoseSacProblem | Provides functions for fitting an absolute-pose model to a set of bearing-vector to point correspondences, using different algorithms (central and non-central ones). Used in a sample-consenus paradigm for rejecting outlier correspondences |
   relative_pose | The namespace for the relative pose methods |
    FrameRelativePoseSacProblem | Provides functions for fitting a relative-pose model to a set of bearing-vector to point correspondences, using different algorithms (only central case). Used in a sample-consenus paradigm for rejecting outlier correspondences |
    FrameRotationOnlySacProblem | Functions for fitting a rotation-only model to a set of bearing-vector correspondences (using twopt_rotationOnly). The viewpoints are assumed to be separated by rotation only. Used within a random-sample paradigm for rejecting outlier correspondences |
 FrameSynchronizerTest | |
 PinholeCamera< DISTORTION_T > | This implements a standard pinhole camera projection model |
 PoseViewer | |
 ProjectionStatus | Indicates what happened when applying any of the project functions |
 TestMatchingAlgorithm | |