class | CeresIterationCallback |
| The CeresIterationCallback class tries to enforce a time limit on the optimization. It does not guarantee to stay within the time budget as it assumes the next iteration takes as long as the previous iteration. More...
class | ErrorInterface |
| Simple interface class the errors implemented here should inherit from. More...
class | HomogeneousPointError |
| Absolute error of a homogeneous point (landmark). More...
class | HomogeneousPointLocalParameterization |
| Local parameterisation of a homogeneous point [x,y,z,w]^T. We use a Euclidean-type perturbation, i.e. only affect the x-y-z-part. More...
class | HomogeneousPointParameterBlock |
| Wraps the parameter block for a speed / IMU biases estimate. More...
class | ImuError |
| Implements a nonlinear IMU factor. More...
class | LocalParamizationAdditionalInterfaces |
| Provides some additional interfaces to ceres' LocalParamization than are needed in the generic marginalisation okvis::ceres::MarginalizationError. More...
class | Map |
| The Map class. This keeps track of how parameter blocks are connected to residual blocks. In essence, it encapsulates the ceres::Problem. This way, we can easily manipulate the optimisation problem. You could argue why not use cere's internal mechanisms to do that. We found that our implementation was faster... More...
class | MarginalizationError |
class | ParameterBlock |
| Base class providing the interface for parameter blocks. More...
class | ParameterBlockSized |
| Base class providing the interface for parameter blocks. More...
class | PoseError |
| Absolute error of a pose. More...
class | PoseLocalParameterization |
| Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. More...
class | PoseLocalParameterization3d |
| Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. Here, we only perturb the translation though. More...
class | PoseLocalParameterization4d |
| Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. Here, we only perturb the translation and yaw though. More...
class | PoseLocalParameterization2d |
| Pose local parameterisation, i.e. for orientation dq(dalpha) x q_bar. Here, we only perturb roll and pitch, i.e. dalpha = [dalpha1, dalpha2, 0]^T. More...
class | PoseParameterBlock |
| Wraps the parameter block for a pose estimate. More...
class | RelativePoseError |
| Relative error between two poses. More...
class | ReprojectionError |
| The 2D keypoint reprojection error. More...
class | ReprojectionErrorBase |
| Reprojection error base class. More...
class | ReprojectionError2dBase |
| 2D keypoint reprojection error base class. More...
class | SpeedAndBiasError |
class | SpeedAndBiasParameterBlock |
| Wraps the parameter block for a speed / IMU biases estimate. More...
ceres Namespace for ceres-related functionality implemented in okvis.