Class MapBase
Defined in File map_base.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public wavemap::HashedBlocks
(Class HashedBlocks)public wavemap::HashedChunkedWaveletOctree
(Class HashedChunkedWaveletOctree)public wavemap::HashedWaveletOctree
(Class HashedWaveletOctree)public wavemap::VolumetricOctree
(Class VolumetricOctree)public wavemap::WaveletOctree
(Class WaveletOctree)
Class Documentation
class MapBase
Base class for wavemap maps.
Subclassed by wavemap::HashedBlocks, wavemap::HashedChunkedWaveletOctree, wavemap::HashedWaveletOctree, wavemap::VolumetricOctree, wavemap::WaveletOctree
Public Types
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<MapBase>
using ConstPtr = std::shared_ptr<const MapBase>
using IndexedLeafVisitorFunction = std::function<void(const OctreeIndex &index, FloatingPoint value)>
Public Functions
inline explicit MapBase(const MapBaseConfig &config)
virtual void threshold() = 0
Threshold the occupancy values of all cells in the map to stay within the range specified by its min_log_odds and max_log_odds.
virtual void prune() = 0
Free up memory by pruning nodes that are no longer needed.
Implementations of this pruning operation should be lossless and does not alter the estimated occupancy posterior.
inline virtual void pruneSmart()
Similar to prune(), but avoids de-allocating nodes that will likely be used again in the near future.
inline FloatingPoint getMinCellWidth() const
Maximum map resolution, set as width of smallest cell it can represent.
inline FloatingPoint getMinLogOdds() const
Lower threshold for the occupancy values stored in the map, in log-odds.
inline FloatingPoint getMaxLogOdds() const
Upper threshold for the occupancy values stored in the map, in log-odds.
virtual IndexElement getTreeHeight() const = 0
Height of the octree used to store the map.
This value is only defined for multi-resolution maps.
virtual Index3D getMinIndex() const = 0
Index of the minimum corner of the map’s Axis Aligned Bounding Box.
virtual Index3D getMaxIndex() const = 0
Index of the maximum corner of the map’s Axis Aligned Bounding Box.
virtual FloatingPoint getCellValue(const Index3D &index) const = 0
Query the value of the map at a given index.
virtual void setCellValue(const Index3D &index, FloatingPoint new_value) = 0
Set the value of the map at a given index.
virtual void addToCellValue(const Index3D &index, FloatingPoint update) = 0
Increment the value of the map at a given index.
virtual void forEachLeaf(IndexedLeafVisitorFunction visitor_fn) const = 0
Protected Functions
inline FloatingPoint clamp(FloatingPoint value) const
inline FloatingPoint clampedAdd(FloatingPoint value, FloatingPoint update) const
Protected Attributes
const MapBaseConfig config_
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<MapBase>