Python API


A fast, efficient and accurate multi-resolution, multi-sensor 3D occupancy mapping framework.

class pywavemap.Map

Base class for wavemap maps.


Increment the value of the map at a given index.


Erase all cells in the map.

create = <nanobind.nb_func object>
property empty

Whether the map is empty.


Query the value of the map at a given index.


Query the map’s value at a point, using the specified interpolation mode.

load = <nanobind.nb_func object>
property max_index

Index of the maximum corner of the map’s Axis Aligned Bounding Box.

property max_log_odds

Upper threshold for the occupancy values stored in the map, in log-odds.

property memory_usage

The amount of memory used by the map, in bytes.

property min_cell_width

Maximum map resolution, set as width of smallest cell it can represent.

property min_index

Index of the minimum corner of the map’s Axis Aligned Bounding Box.

property min_log_odds

Lower threshold for the occupancy values stored in the map, in log-odds.


Free up memory by pruning nodes that are no longer needed. Note that this pruning operation is lossless and does not alter the estimated occupancy posterior.


Similar to prune(), but avoids de-allocating nodes that were recently updated and will likely be used again in the near future.

property size

The number of cells or nodes in the map, for fixed or multi-resolution maps, respectively.


Store a wavemap map as a .wvmp file.


Threshold the occupancy values of all cells in the map to stay within the range specified by its min_log_odds and max_log_odds.

property tree_height

Height of the octree used to store the map. Note that this value is only defined for multi-resolution maps.

class pywavemap.HashedWaveletOctree

Bases: Map

A class that stores maps using hashed wavelet octrees.


Overloaded function.

  1. get_cell_value(self, index: numpy.ndarray[dtype=int32, shape=(3), order='C']) -> float

Query the value of the map at a given index.

  1. get_cell_value(self, node_index: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.OctreeIndex) -> float

Query the value of the map at a given octree node index.


Overloaded function.

  1. get_cell_values(self, index_list: ndarray[dtype=int32, shape=(*, 3), device='cpu']) -> numpy.ndarray[dtype=float32]

Query the map at the given indices, provided as a matrix with one (x, y, z) index per row.

  1. get_cell_values(self, node_index_list: ndarray[dtype=int32, shape=(*, 4), device='cpu']) -> numpy.ndarray[dtype=float32]

Query the map at the given node indices, provided as a matrix with one (height, x, y, z) node index per row.


Overloaded function.

  1. interpolate(self, position: numpy.ndarray[dtype=float32, shape=(3), order='C'], mode: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.TRILINEAR) -> float

Query the map’s value at a point, using the specified interpolation mode.

  1. interpolate(self, position_list: ndarray[dtype=float32, shape=(*, 3), device='cpu'], mode: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.TRILINEAR) -> numpy.ndarray[dtype=float32]

Query the map’s value at the given points, using the specified interpolation mode.

class pywavemap.HashedChunkedWaveletOctree

Bases: Map

A class that stores maps using hashed chunked wavelet octrees.


Overloaded function.

  1. get_cell_value(self, index: numpy.ndarray[dtype=int32, shape=(3), order='C']) -> float

Query the value of the map at a given index.

  1. get_cell_value(self, node_index: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.OctreeIndex) -> float

Query the value of the map at a given octree node index.


Query the map’s value at a point, using the specified interpolation mode.

class pywavemap.InterpolationMode(value)
class pywavemap.OctreeIndex

A class representing indices of octree nodes.


Compute the index of the node’s n-th child, where n ranges from 0 to 7.


Overloaded function.

  1. compute_parent_index(self) -> pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.OctreeIndex

Compute the index of the node’s direct parent.

  1. compute_parent_index(self, parent_height: int) -> pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.OctreeIndex

Compute the index of the node’s parent (or ancestor) at parent_height.

property height

The node’s resolution level in the octree. A height of 0 corresponds to the map’s maximum resolution. In a fully allocated tree, all leaf nodes are at height 0. Increasing the height by 1 doubles the node size along each dimension. The root node corresponds to the map’s lowest resolution, and the root node’s height matches the configured tree height.

property position

The node’s XYZ position in the octree’s grid at the resolution level set by height.

class pywavemap.Rotation

A class representing rotations in 3D space.


Compute the rotation’s inverse.

class pywavemap.Pose

A class representing poses in 3D space.


Compute the pose’s inverse.

class pywavemap.Pointcloud

A class to store pointclouds.

class pywavemap.PosedPointcloud

A class to store pointclouds with an associated pose.

class pywavemap.Image

A class to store depth images.

class pywavemap.PosedImage

A class to store depth images with an associated pose.

class pywavemap.Pipeline

A class to build pipelines of measurement integrators and map operations.


Create and register a new integrator


Create and register a new map operation.


Deregister all the pipeline’s measurement integrators and map operations.


Deregister all integrators.


Deregister all map operations


Returns true if an integrator with the given name has been registered.


Deregister the integrator with the given name. Returns true if it existed.


Overloaded function.

  1. run_integrators(self, integrator_names: typing.Sequence[str], posed_pointcloud: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.PosedPointcloud) -> bool

Integrate a given pointcloud.

  1. run_integrators(self, integrator_names: typing.Sequence[str], posed_image: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.PosedImage) -> bool

Integrate a given depth image.


Run the map operations.


Overloaded function.

  1. run_pipeline(self, integrator_names: typing.Sequence[str], posed_pointcloud: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.PosedPointcloud) -> bool

Integrate a given pointcloud, then run the map operations.

  1. run_pipeline(self, integrator_names: typing.Sequence[str], posed_image: pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.PosedImage) -> bool

Integrate a given depth image, then run the map operations.


Submodule with common conversion functions for wavemap index types.

convert.cell_width_to_height(cell_width: float, min_cell_width: float) int

Compute the minimum node height (resolution level) required to reacha given node width.

param cell_width:

The desired node width.

param min_cell_width:

The grid resolution at height 0 (max map resolution).

convert.height_to_cell_width(min_cell_width: float, height: int) float

Compute the node width at a given height.

param min_cell_width:

The grid resolution at height 0 (max map resolution).

param height:

The desired height (resolution level) of the node index.

convert.point_to_nearest_index(point: numpy.ndarray[dtype=float32, shape=(3), order='C'], cell_width: float) numpy.ndarray[dtype=int32, shape=(3), order='C']

Compute the nearest index to a point on a grid with a given cell width.

convert.point_to_node_index(point: numpy.ndarray[dtype=float32, shape=(3), order='C'], min_cell_width: float, height: int) pywavemap._pywavemap_bindings.OctreeIndex

Compute the index of a node containing a given point.

param min_cell_width:

The grid resolution at height 0 (max map resolution).

param height:

The desired height (resolution level) of the node index.


Submodule to configure wavemap’s logging system.

logging.set_level(level: str = 'info') None

Set pywavemap’s logging level.

logging.enable_prefix(enable: bool = False) None

Whether to prefix log messages with timestamps and line numbers.


Submodule for wavemap’s config system.

class pywavemap.param.Value

A class that holds parameter values. Note that one Value can hold a primitive type, a list of Values, or a dictionary of Values. One Value can therefore hold the information needed to initialize an entire config, or even a hierarchy of nested configs.