Template Struct NdtreeIndex
Defined in File ndtree_index.h
Struct Documentation
template<int dim>
struct NdtreeIndex Public Types
using Element = IndexElement
using RelativeChild = NdtreeIndexRelativeChild
using ChildArray = std::array<NdtreeIndex, kNumChildren>
Public Functions
inline bool operator==(const NdtreeIndex &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const NdtreeIndex &other) const
NdtreeIndex computeParentIndex() const
Compute the index of the node’s direct parent.
NdtreeIndex computeParentIndex(Element parent_height) const
Compute the index of the node’s parent (or ancestor) at parent_height
NdtreeIndex computeChildIndex(RelativeChild relative_child_index) const
Compute the index of the node’s n-th child.
ChildArray computeChildIndices() const
RelativeChild computeRelativeChildIndex() const
Public Members
Element height = 0
The node’s resolution level in the octree.
A height of 0 corresponds to the map’s maximum resolution. In a fully allocated tree, all leaf nodes are at height 0. Increasing the height by 1 doubles the node size along each dimension. The root node corresponds to the map’s lowest resolution, and the root node’s height matches the configured tree height.
Public Static Functions
static RelativeChild computeRelativeChildIndex(MortonIndex morton, Element parent_height)
static IndexElement computeLastCommonAncestorHeight(MortonIndex first_morton, Element first_height, MortonIndex second_morton, Element second_height)
static LinearIndex computeLevelTraversalDistance(MortonIndex morton, Element parent_height, Element child_height)
static LinearIndex computeTreeTraversalDistance(MortonIndex morton, Element parent_height, Element child_height)
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr RelativeChild kNumChildren = int_math::exp2(dim)
using Element = IndexElement