Struct OusterProjectorConfig

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Struct Documentation

struct OusterProjectorConfig : public wavemap::ConfigBase<OusterProjectorConfig, 4, CircularProjectorConfig>

Config struct for the ouster LiDAR projection model.

Public Functions

OusterProjectorConfig() = default
inline OusterProjectorConfig(CircularProjectorConfig elevation, CircularProjectorConfig azimuth, FloatingPoint lidar_origin_to_beam_origin, FloatingPoint lidar_origin_to_sensor_origin_z_offset)
virtual bool isValid(bool verbose) const override

Public Members

CircularProjectorConfig elevation

Properties of the projection model along the elevation axis.

CircularProjectorConfig azimuth

Properties of the projection model along the azimuth axis.

Meters<FloatingPoint> lidar_origin_to_beam_origin = 0.02767f

Offset between the Ouster LiDAR frame’s origin and the laser beam’s start point (radial direction).

For illustrations and additional information, please see the Ouster sensor’s manual.

Meters<FloatingPoint> lidar_origin_to_sensor_origin_z_offset = 0.03618f

Offset between the Ouster sensor and LiDAR frame’s origins (z-direction).

For illustrations and additional information, please see the Ouster sensor’s manual.

Public Static Attributes

static MemberMap memberMap